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iCARMIX 是一所專營歐洲車汽車零件的公司,營運超過十多年,主要為顧客帶來進口如歐州、英國、美國及日本品牌的汽車改裝零部件、配件及維修用品。我們提供專業安装/升級方案/維修服務/專業意見,以達省時、省額外支出等細緻貼心服務。我們的經驗團隊更可為你提供汽車維修上的技術顧問。你的回應,就是我們的衝勁力度!我們也致力為各車主帶來合資格而價格合理的汽車產品,並走訪各大品牌了解生產過程及效用。 我們有堅持的數據及結果己證明一切,我們爭取客人滿意度,渴望與我們的客戶建立一個持續,和諧的良好關係, 如有任何疑問,歡迎隨時與我們聯絡!
iCARMIX is a high-performance automotive collective group for genuine as well as specialized alternative parts with vast experience in BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Porsche, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Mini, Tesla, Jaguar, Volkswagen, Maserati and Nissan. We are a proud main distributor for a plethora of imported brands within Asia and to be part of a regional reseller network with a very healthy relationship in trading.
We have merged our business model with the online platform in recent years for convenience, and ease of access. We offer transparency for our installation techniques and details, as well as the products themselves. Our customer is the first priority in all circumstances, therefore, we provide an open platform for discussion and hands-on assistance to ensure a fully tailored experience